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Small Business Loans

Do you need a loan for your business?
Contact our Relationship Managers dedicated to Small Business, to find the best solution for you!

Facilities Renovation

Loans for investments for the organization of spaces for the purpose of providing tourism services.
  • Amount up to 15.000.000 LEK
  • Favorable Interest rates
  • Fixed Monthly Installments based on the product seasonality
  • Grace period up to 18 months, as per product cycle
  • Loan offered only in LEK
Kredi për rindërtimin e Agro - Turizmit

Investment Loan to Woman in Business

ESG Product
Are you a woman you own or run a business? Become part of the funding project for "Women in Business"
  • Skip Installment opportunity up to 6 months in case of maternity leave
  • Cover investment projects, property’s development, business extension
  • Improve technology or start another business project
  • The loan is offered in LEK and EUR
Kredi për investime për Gratë në Biznes

Soft Investment Loan

Invest in equipment, aiming to provide better quality products or increase the production of Agro Tourism activities.
  • Amount up to 5.000.000 LEK
  • Convenient tenor up to 7 years
  • Favorable Interest rates
  • Loan offered only in LEK
  • Grace period up to 18 months, based on seasonality
Kredi e butë e investime

Short Term Loan to Woman in Business

Do you need a short term financing to cover your operational expenses?
  • Preferential prices compared to standard conditions
  • The loan is offered in LEK and EUR
  • Non-payment of the installment up to 6 months for maternity leave
  • One-price dedicated package for women in business
  • Fast approval process
Kredi afatshkurtër për Gratë në Biznes

Loan for Restaurant Reconstruction

Invest in business facilities & equipment for restaurant activities, in order to provide Agro-Tourism services!
  • Loan offered only in LEK
  • Flexible Repayment schedule
  • Favorable Interest rates
  • Tenor up to 5 years
  • Loan Amount up to 7.000.000 LEK
  • Grace period up to 6 months
Kredi për hapjen / rindërtim Restoranti

Service package for Woman in Business

We want to become your favorite bank, by offering banking products, services and the financial support you need!
  • SWIFT service 6 EUR
  • Package 1 offers for only for 10 Euro monthly a bundle of services:
  • Free Incoming Payments in LEK within the same value date
  • Package 2 offers for only for 15 Euro monthly two more services:
  • SMS Notification & Mastercard Business Card
  • Current account, Online Banking & Automatic Bill Payments
Paketë shëbimesh për Gratë në Biznes

Dedicated offer for small business

Apply for overdraft and/or agro working capital, during the month of September, and benefit from lower interest rates and zero maintenance fee.
  • Benefit lower interest rates
  • Get ZERO maintenance fee
  • The offer will be valid until the end of September
  • In the offer is included overdraft and agro working capital
dita nderkombetare e ndergjegjesimit per humbjet dhe mbetjet ushqimore, intesa sanpaolo bank albania

Overdraft for Business

Benefit from the temporary usage of founds for working capital!
  • Interest paid only for the used sum during the specified period
  • Limit amount up to 2.000.000 LEK
  • Tenor 1 year
  • Loan offered only in LEK
  • No collateral required
Paradhënie Bankare për Kapital Qarkullues

ADGF Risk sharing

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania in collaboration with ADGF provides support for business in the agro and tourism field.
  • Benefit from accessing financial resources easily
  • Expanding access to credit in cases of insufficient collateral
  • Apply and receive amounts up to 500.000 EUR
adgf, intesa sanpaolo bank albania

Refinance Offer

Refinance your business loan, profit zero administration commission and pay a lower monthly installment!
  • Up to 15 YEARS for investment loans
  • Lower interest rates starting from 4% in EUR and 5% in LEK
  • Get dedicated consulting from the Relationship Manager
kredi per biznesin e vogel, dyqan

Business-Auto Leasing

Make the right move for your business!
  • Lease payments are deductible expenses & VAT refunded
  • Thanks to the suppliers' independence, You get the best offers
  • No need for additional Collateral to apply for Business Auto Leasing
  • You only need to budget the Lease monthly payment
  • On the expiry of the lease term you become the owner of the asset

Agro Working Capital

Its a product designed to finance agribusiness needs.
  • Flexible repayment schedule, based on seasonality & product cycle
  • Flexible repayment schedule, based on seasonality & product cycle
  • Favorable interest rates
Agro - Kapital Qarkullues

Agro Investment

Created to finance agribusiness needs for investment & business expansion, or to improve technology.
  • Amount up to 50,000,000 LEK
  • Maturity up to 12 years
  • Grace period of the loan up to 24 months
  • Collateral Immovable Property or land
  • Pledges on machinery & equipment
  • Flexible repayment schedule, based on seasonality & product cycle
  • Transparent Offer in LEK & EUR
Agro Investim

Youth in Business

ESG Product
Youth in business is based on an agreement with the EBRD, which aims to promote and support young entrepreneurs up to the age of 35.
  • An opportunity to start or further develop your business
  • Financing with favorable conditions
  • Financial and know-how support for youth up to 35 years old

EBRD Agro-Investment Loan

ESG Product
Designed to finance the agribusiness needs expanding business activity!
  • No collateral required for loans up to 20.000 EUR
  • Loan Offered in LEK & EUR
  • Grace period Up to 12 months, as per project’s timeline
  • Favorable Interest rates
  • Maturity up to 8 years
  • Tailored products according to business particularities
  • Amount up to 2.000.000 EUR
Kredi për Agro-Investime nën BERZH

Working Capital Loan under the EBRD

Cover your needs for businesses operational expenses!
  • No collateral required for loans up to 20.000 EUR
  • Loan Offered in LEK & EUR
  • Tenor up to 3 years
  • Favorable Interest rates
  • Grace period up to 12 months, as per project’s timeline
  • Amount up to 2.000.000 EUR
Kredi për Kapital Pune nën BERZH

Agro-OD line under the EBRD Agreement

Use founds temporary for working capital!
  • No collateral required for loans up to 20.000 EUR
  • Tenor 1 year
  • Favorable Interest rates
  • Monedha e depozitës jepet në Lek
  • Amount up to 2.000.000 EUR
Agro Overdraft nën BERZH

MEDTE Financing

Financing Projects, investments’ increase, machinery, equipment, technologies purchase of an Italian origin.
  • Financed amount from 15.000 EUR – 500.000 EUR
  • Favorable Interest rates
  • Tenor from 3-8 years
  • Loan Offered in LEK & EUR
  • Grace period up to 6-24 months based on business cycle
Financime sipas MEDTE

Overdraft Line

Do you need immediate funds to cover unforeseen expenses? Apply for Overdraft Line!
  • Offered in EUR / LEK / USD
  • Most Competitive Interest Rates in market
  • Kohëzgjatja zgjat Max 12 muaj
  • Ensures the payment of salaries for employees
  • Flexibility in its usage
  • Immediately Available
  • Interest is paid only for the used amount in time
Paradhënie Bankare për Biznesin e Vogël

Investment Loan

We support you covering the expenses for investment capital, machine purchase, construction & property development!
  • Simple usage & time saving
  • Disbursements adjusted to the dynamics of investment
  • Fund capital expenditure, acquisitions, property’s’ development
  • Funds are available to be used according client needs
Kredi për investim për Biznesin e Vogël

Short Term Loan

Financing for existing & inventory capital, raw materials, business expansion, machinery purchase or liquidity needs
  • Pay it with fix monthly installments
  • Tenor up to 4 Years
  • Loan Offered in LEK & EUR
Kredi për Kapital Qarkullues

Transport Leasing

Develop your business & increase your service capacity!
  • Lease payments are deductible expenses & VAT refunded
  • In order to increase the Investment Value & your Business
  • You only need to budget the Lease monthly payment
  • Thanks to the suppliers' independence, You get the best offers
  • Pay your installment using the income generated from lease asset

Letter of Credit & Bank Guarantee

We support your business!
  • Full financing: Import Letter of Credit & Financial Bank Guarantee
  • Finance & risk management
  • Cross-border trade transactions
  • Increase of the company reputation
  • Replacement for cash deposits or advance payments
Letër Kredi dhe Garanci Bankare

Business Leasing

Choose the right financing for your business!

Other types of Products & Services!

Open Account & Deposit

Manage your finances in a transparent, safe & convenient way and its offered for different category business in different currencies!

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Make Payments & Transfers!

Make Payments, Transfers, Pay Taxes, Pay utility bills and create Automatic Periodic Orders directly from our network or through Internet Banking!

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Wide range of Services!

To easily manage your business daily activities use the Night Safe Box, the Salary Service, SWIFT Automatic Service & POS Terminals!

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More information?

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+355 4 2276000

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