Increasing card usage as payment methods
Increasing card usage as payment methods,
Challenges & Strategies based on innovation & technology!
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, an active contributor in the promotion of cards payments, through its innovative products & services offered and the engagement of the specialized human resources in structures creating policies and taking actions with common interest.
On May 4th, 2018 AAB organized the Card Forum with the topic: “Transforming Cards & Payments toward a cashless economy”. In the welcoming speech, z. Silvio Pedrazzi, Chairman of AAB and CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania thanking the participates emphasized the importance of promoting the cards usage in a society stating “The improvement on the use of credit or debit cards as a payment instrument is an irreplaceable contribution to the fight against informality, facilitates the cost of money in circulation because it involves going toward a cashless economy, providing a completed package for services provided to the clients and increases the personal safety of individuals. We are all witnesses of the numerous investments that banks have carried out on the development of new products since 2004, the creation of appropriate infrastructure, the digitization of banking activity and customer service facilitation. The innovation in payments and Fin-Tech are pushing the banking system in using the cutting edge technology to increase the sustainability and the no-return evolution of its business model toward an always more digital clientele generation.”
The forum was greeted also by the Mrs. Elisabeta Gjoni, First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Albania & Chairwoman of the National Payment System Committee. The first session, moderated by Mr. Spiro Brumbulli, AAB Secretary General, was focused in the actual situation in the card payments market and in the Identification of some of the main reasons behind the actual limited card acceptance as a payment method in Albania. Representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, of General Directorate of Taxation, of Hellenic Bank Association and Payment Organizations Visa & MasterCard participated in the discussions.
The second session of discussions on “Opportunities to achieve a greater card payment inclusion” was moderated by Mrs. Nevila Kovaci, Chairperson of AAB Card Committee and representative of the Cards Business in Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania. The talks were focused on the real Opportunities in increasing card payments usage in Albania; how to make cardholders change their behavior and extent their card purchase capacity; cooperation between bank and FINTECH institutions to increase the use of cards and the best practices which cover all three payment acceptance areas at merchant point of sale: in-store, online and mobile. In this panel participated actively representatives from the banks, from Visa and MasterCard, FINTECHs in Albania and of Retail Businesses using POS. In the closure of the Panel Mrs. Kovaci said: “It is the right moment to reflect on the concrete opportunities and spaces on the cooperation with FINTECH-s with the main goal to achieve a greater card payment inclusion and consequently reduction of Cash on the Albanian Economy”
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania
PR & Marketing Communication Office,
Rr. "Ismail Qemali" No.27, Tirana, Albania
Tel.: +355 4 2 276 440